Friday 15 April 2016


The Mircea Maria Gerard Fund for the Conservation and Restoration of Art Works is currently being established by Mircea’s beloved spouse, Luke P Olbrich and by the board of directors of the registered non-profit organization Bastioni, Association for the research and study of art works, Florence, Italy.  
Mircea embraced his new career choice as conservator and restorer of art works with outstanding passion, wisdom and grace. The last two years saw Mircea as an active member of the Association Bastioni, bestowing its members with his refreshing enthusiasm, curiosity and intelligence.
His legacy will not be forgotten.
The Mircea Maria Gerard Fund will develop conservation and restoration projects, finance internships and promote career development projects for young students.

Presidente of Bastioni, associazione per la ricerca e lo studio di opere d’arte, Firenze
Daniela Murphy Corella
Florence, 15 Aprile 2016
Those of you who wish to contribute may do so by sending funds to the following account:

Account Name: Associazione Bastioni
Reason for Payment: Mircea Maria Gerard Fund
Bank: Credem Credito Emiliano, agenzia 4
Address: Viale de Amicis 67  
50137 Firenze
Swift/ BACRIT21144 IBAN:  IT 05 K 03032 02803 010000000558

or by using Paypal services below;


For inquiries or further information please contact Daniela Murphy Corella at the following address: or call her at 0039 3394445965

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